Monday, February 6, 2012

When everything goes wrong

Started out my day pretty rough. It was Chad's first day of training for his new job so he was not here this morning to help get all the kidos to school and let me tell ya, that can be a very daunting task when you have 5 children running around trying to find shoes, bookbags, coats ect.... 
I knew I had a couple places to go after dropping everyone off but I wasn't planning on  being gone for more then a couple hours so I didn't worry about grabbing a diaper. Our youngest is still not potty trained 
(she's 2, will be 3 in June) and I think she's ready but haven't had the time. So, back to my story, I drop off all the kids (except Kaylee and Sierra of course) and I drive out to the DHS office. When we get there I realize it smells HORRIBLE! That smell was coming from Kaylee who has had a massive stinky diaper. 
So I go inside and head to bathroom. I get Kaylee all cleaned up but I have no diapers with me so I just just grabbed a big handful of paper towels and put them in her pants because I'm only going to be there another 15 - 20 mins anyway so no biggy. No............ so now I am sitting in a cubical talking with this lady and I look over at Kaylee and there is pee running down her pants and into her boots. Nice. So I go out the van and strip Kaylee so she's pretty much nude in her car seat. Luckily I saw a girl in the parking lot with a baby so I asked her for a diaper. I still need to swing by Hobby Lobby though so I took Kaylee pantless and shoeless  into Goodwill and bought her a pair of leggings and shoes for $5.00.
I still made it to Hobby Lobby and the rest of the day was good but boy what an awful start to my day! LOL I'm sure I'll look back and miss the days I have toddlers so I'm really just trying to keep that in mind when they are driving me crazy!!!!!! 

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Motherhood is Not Always a Bouquet of Flowers...

All I can say is UHG!!! My family is now beginning day 6 of the stomach flu! What a obnoxious virus. It started last Friday With our youngest and has been working it's way through the family. I really dread this time time of year for this very reason! Oh how I hate stomach bugs!! I can handle just about ANY other virus but this...... is the worst of them all! I will say that I have been super lucky in the fact that my husband has been home to help me through it all. When Sierra came down with it on Sunday night he stayed up with her all night! The poor thing must have gotten sick more then 10 times but he was there with her the whole time.

Victims: Kaylee, Sierra, Mommy, and as of 30 mins ago, Mariah. We still have Daddy, and Josh. PLEASE pray for them!!!!! Only God can save them now!!! HAHA!

Despite our exhausting yuckiness, Kaylee still brought a smile to my face when I found her wearing her potty pants on her head!! Hehehe :)

Monday, January 30, 2012

First Blog Post!!

I'm so excited to start my first photography blog! It's been a long time in the making and I can't wait to start blogging and share all of my beautiful photos with you all! Feel free to follow me, post comments ect.......
My goal for this blog is to have a place to share my life, and memories through photography not only as my own personal journal but to share a little of what I do and why I do it. I hope you will stick around and follow me on my journey through life!